Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Adoption Acronyms

The following is a list of possible acronyms you will see on this blog....yes, we even have our own "language" in this adoption world!

ACR-age of child requested
AYAP-as young as possible
CA-consulate appointment
CCAA-China Center for Adoption Affairs (in China)
CN-Chinese name
DOA-date of adoption
DOB-date of birth
DOR-date of referral
DOT-date of travel
DTC-dossier to China
FCC-Families with Children from China
HS-home study
I-600-Petition to Classify Orphan as an Immediate Relative
I-600A-Application for Advance Processing of Orphan Petition
I-171H-US federal approval to adopt foreign born child
ICF-International Child Foundation (our homestudy agency)
INS-Immigration & Naturalization Service (now the USCIS)
LID-log in date
LMI-Little Miracles International (our international agency)
LOI-letter of intent (special needs adoptions only)
NSN-non-special needs
PA-permission to adopt (special needs adoptions only)
PAP-prospective adoptive parents
RQ-Rumor Queen (adoptive parent who maintains a HUGE china adoption info website)
SN-special needs
SW-social worker
TA-travel approval
USCIS-US Customs & Immigration Services (Dept of Homeland Security)
WC-waiting child